Frequently Asked Questions

  • Our PT and performance training services range in price. Please contact our office for pricing at 325-261-0043.

    Payment is required at or before the time of service. Our payment is based on one-on-one, 60 minute sessions with a Doctor of Physical Therapy. BWPT is considered out-of-network, but clients are able to submit for potential reimbursement through their insurance provider with a “superbill” that we can provide you upon request.

    There are no hidden cost, no extra fees , or surprise bills after treatment.

  • At BWPT, we believe that providing one on one, non rushed, high level care that is patient centered is best to optimize patient outcomes.

    Typically, insurance dictates therapy treatment, with most in-network PT clinics needing to see 3-4 patients an hour to be profitable. This means that most of your time is either spent with a tech doing the same cookie cutter exercises every week, or you’re not getting the intentional time you need from your PT because they are spread too thin. This also means needing to come to therapy 3-4 times/week in order to make any progress.

    Being out-of-network allows us to provide you with a full hour of our undivided attention, typically 1-2x/week. We are able to treat you how we feel is best to help you reach YOUR goals without insurance dictating our every move and robbing you of the care you deserve.

    With more dedicated time, individualized & effective treatments from your doctor of PT, and teaching our patients to take ownership of their care, our clients are able to reach goals in less time, with fewer visits, and better outcomes (you won’t find cookie cutter PT here). You won’t regret the investment you make in BWPT and in yourself!

  • No! Texas is currently a limited direct-access state for physical therapy treatment. This means that you can get started with PT without a referral, however after 10-15 business days following the date of your initial PT evaluation, you will need to obtain a PT referral from one of the following providers: physician, physician assistant, nurse practitioner, chiropractor, podiatrist (for foot/ankle problems), or a dentist (for oral/TMJ problems). If you have questions on how to obtain a referral, our staff is happy to assist with this process!

  • We sure do! Dry needling is an advanced technique using thin, monofilament needles. Small, solid monofilament needles are inserted into muscle tissue to help decrease myofascial pain, address trigger points, improve ROM, increase muscle activation and help with post sport/workout recovery.

    There is no extra cost for dry needling and can be including in your session based on your plan of care determined during your initial evaluation.

  • We aren’t your cookie cutter PT clinic. We believe that anyone with a body is an athlete. So whether your goals are to PR your back squat, get back to playing golf with your buddies without pain, or to climb Mount Kilimanjaro a the age of 80 (yes, two of our patients actually did that)….we all deserve to move and live the best we can!

    Our progressive, performance based approach focuses on addressing the root cause to help you followed by help you optimize your recovery, performance, and injury prevention so you can get you back to doing the things you love, for the long haul.

    But what makes us different?

    At BWPT, you will be seen for 1 hour, one-on-one with a doctor in physical therapy. You will not be shuffled off to a therapy tech or aid. Each visit will be geared specifically to your needs to help set you up with the knowledge & interventions you need to do in between visits to optimize outcomes and get quicker results. With more time spent each visit, without having to share your PT with 2-3 other people, your average discharge rate compared to other in-network clinics is almost half the time!

    The most important thing you will receive is knowledge and skills to keep you moving as healthy and pain free as possible. Our goal is to get you in and out as quickly as possible, without you needing any healthcare professional long term for your relief.

    Our space may look like a laid back gym with a cute pup running around and lots of laughter, but we take your results very seriously. The passion for helping athletes and active people stay active runs real deep at BWPT, and we are grateful for the opportunity to serve the Abilene community!