Helping active people stay active.
Helping active people stay active.
Abilene’s best providers for sports performance and pelvic health.
We help athletes & active adults optimize recovery, performance, and injury prevention so they can do the things they love, for life.
We are excited to serve athletes because we are athletes too.
Step One
Identify the Root Cause
At your first visit, your Doctor of Physical Therapy will complete a thorough assessment to get a full understanding of your pain, your goals, and how we can best help you get back to doing the things you love! Once we know the root cause, we provide same day treatment and education so you can start making progress right away.
Step Two
Recover and Restore
We’ll implement a customized & progressive treatment plan that aligns with YOUR life and YOUR goals, all while providing ways to stay active during your recovery. We take pride in providing high-level care aimed at resolving the root cause while optimizing human potential. No band-aid fixes, no cookie cutter treatments, and no being told “just rest it.” -
Step Three
Provide a Long Term Solution
Once you're feeling better, our job isn’t over. We'll provide you with the accountability and tools you need to stay strong, move with confidence, and take ownership over your health so you don't get sidelined from the things you love to do!
Physical Therapy & Sports Performance
At BWPT, we treat any and all neuromusculoskeletal disorders, pelvic floor dysfunction, & also offer performance training & prehab to help decrease risk for injury.
Some of the common diagnoses & patient types we see include:
Sports Rehab
ACL Rehab
Back and Neck Pain
Muscle Spasms
Post-Operative Rehabilitation
Joint Pain (Shoulder, Hip, Knee, Ankle, Elbow, Foot, Spine, SI Joint)
Plantar Fasciitis
Achilles Tendonitis
Performance & Sports-Specific Training
Pelvic Health PT
Pelvic health therapy is targeted at the low back, hips, and pelvic floor muscles, ligaments and connective tissues, all of which work together to support the pelvic organs, sexual function, and assist in bladder and bowel control. Pelvic health PT is a non-surgical approach aimed at resolving impairments that arise from dysfunctions within the pelvic floor.
Example impairments include but are not limited to:
Low Back/Hip Pain
Diastasis Recti
Poor Core Function
Urinary Urgency/Incontinence
Pain with Sexual Intercourse
Pelvic Organ Prolapse
Pelvic Girdle Pain
Pregnancy & Postpartum
“Our mission is to help active people stay active by optimizing recovery, performance, and injury prevention so they can do the things they love, for life.”

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