Personalized blood flow restriction training (BFR) is a game-changing therapy that utilizes specialized tourniquets to safely regulate & control limb occlusion pressure for some pretty amazing training outcomes!
In short, PBFR allows you to exercise & lift at lower loads with similar results you would achieve when lifting 65% or greater of your 1 rep max.
BFR is a great application for those overcoming injuries or those who may have just had surgery and are under lifting precautions.
At BODY WORX PT, we use BFR to help our athletes/patients:
Diminish atrophy and loss of strength from disuse after injuries
Increase strength with only 20-30% loads
Increase hypertrophy with only 20-30% loads
Improve muscle endurance in 1/3 the time
Improve muscle protein synthesis in the elderly
Improve strength and hypertrophy after surgery
Improve muscle activation
Increase growth hormone responses